"Oh, the food's uh, the food's great," she waved something off, she wasn't quite sure what. She just felt the need to do something with her hands. "I um, don't get home cooking very often. It's a nice change of pace." She lazily ate a little more, trying to keep herself focused through the headache. It was kind of working, to an extent at least. Despite her own insistence that they could move on from the night prior however, her clouded brain decided to keep talking about it anyway.
"I don't really remember what I said aside from what I put in the chat, but I can't imagine it was the most flattering on my part. I really didn't mean anything by it." Nozomi went to take another bite, but was struck with the sudden realization that the statement may be misconstrued, and so with a slice of bacon mere inches from her mouth, she started to backpedal.
"I mean, uh, n-not that like, I didn't mean it you know? You're like, er, very um-... good looking obviously, I just mean to like, not take it all too seriously, you know? I was uh, pretty far gone and that um-, i-it makes you say weird stuff right? Not that flirting's weird, b-but-...." Her statement trailed off when she couldn't think of anything else to say, and so resigned to her fate, she simply took a weary bite out of the bacon before uttering out a quiet, "Sorry...."